torstai 15. toukokuuta 2014

Writing starter part. 52

Suddenly I feel like there are babies everywhere. Adorable, cute, sweet, little babies. And everyone's in love with them. But I don't understand why. Even I'm loving to look at them, and usually I hate babies.
But I saw something weird happening the other day. I was at a store, and I saw a five-year-old wondering around the store, alone. Then I saw a woman walk up to the baby and trying to ask the baby some questions. The baby handed his lollipop to the lady, and demanded her to eat it. And she did.
Then later, I saw the lady leave the store and collapse at the yard. She died. I can't get that image out of my head.

Writing starter part. 51

I have had this magical wand for a week now and I haven't done anything with it. I haven't even told anyone yet. But I know that I need to tell someone before I use it. But do I even want to use it? I'm scared. The power of the thing is just overwhelming. I want to use it to do something good, but I guess most of the people would think that way and then end up failing. I don't want to fail.. I don't do good with failing.
       The wand is still in my night stand. I think I should hide it.

Writing starter part. 50

Both of the people get sucked into a imaginary world with dinosaurs, fairies, ghosts, wizards, magic and so on. They fall in love with the weird habitants of the imaginary world and get stuck in there forever and live happily ever after.

Writing starter part. 49

The lunch is set at the teacher's room. We're served pizza, because well, this is America. They don't offer water for you, only pop and then some ranch to dip the pizza in. And the food is set.
The atmosphere is really awkward.
"So you still need to turn in some of your work!", says the teacher.
I mumble for response.
"I don't like the foreign exchange students.. they never do anything."
"Well this year doesn't count for us so you can't really blame us for not having huge motivation for every subject", I try to explain.
"No. It's simply because you guys are arrogant. It is the same thing every year. I think we should ban exchange students", the teacher, obviously the meanest one, says.

maanantai 12. toukokuuta 2014

Writing starter part. 48

"I didn't mean to hurt you. You know that."
"After this stunt, I don't know what you want anymore. It's like I don't even know you."
A blonde girl shakes her head. She doesn't know what to say anymore.
"I don't know what to tell you...I'm selfish, not a good friend. Is that what you want to hear?"
The brunette one is just so done with the blond girl's lies, cheating, and betrayal.
"I believe those things are true. If you were a good friend, you would never do these things for me", the brunette said.
"Do you think you can ever get over this? Because I really hope you will. This was completely my bad, and I take full responsibility. I promise you it won't happen again, if you just forget about this. Please. I'm begging you."
The brunette could see tears in the blond girl's eyes. But still, she wasn't sure if this was sincere.

perjantai 9. toukokuuta 2014

One-act play

                                             Play, character descriptions etc.
Chloe, female, 28, about to get married
Bree, 59, bride’s mother
Allison, 33, sales lady in a bridal store
Another female in the bridal store

  • Chloe is a spoiled, privileged girl who has always got what she has wanted. Now she’s about to merry a rich company owner and she’s going to a bridal store with her mother. She’s in a bad mood because the family’s car driver had arrived late and her mother is wearing a same color back than she is.
  • Bree, Chloe’s mother, was born in a middle class family. She got married and her and her husband got lucky in the job field. Now her husband has his own company that brings in a lot of money so Bree dropped out of work at the age of 48. She’s a mouse when it comes to telling her daughter rules or teaching her manners.  
  • Allison, 33, owns the fancy bridal store in Rodeo Drive. Loves to work there and pick up dresses for people.

Characters are walking down Rodeo Drive, they have left their limo and its driver quarter of a mile away from the store.. Chloe is clearly upset and is walking ahead of her mother. 

CHLOE: (In a snappy, frustrated voice...) This is exactly why I don’t go anywhere with you! You want to steal the attention from me. I’m sorry I’m prettier than you, mom. Same colored bag is not going to make it better for you. 

BREE: Calm down Chloe. I’m sorry I made you upset, but could you please cheer up? This is supposed to be fun for you. And for me. (tries to smile after stops talking..)

CHLOE: You have millions of bags, but you just had to choose the same one I was wearing. I mean seriously, mom. Aren’t parents suppose to make “their children come first”? Huh? Did you miss that part of the “How to be a good parent” -handbook?

BREE: (rolls her eyes and deeply exhales..) Let’s just forget about it, okay? We’re almost there. I can see the store on the right.

CHLOE: (still with an upset voice) And what is this thing with walking?! I did not buy these Vera Wang’s for walking. I would think you knew better. 

BREE: Smile now.

Both of the characters take a huge smile on their face as they open the bridal shop’s door. 

ALLISON: (leaves her desk and walks up to the customers who just walked in) Welcome to Perfect Bridal, ladies. How are you on this beautiful day? 
BREE: We’re excellent. No better place to be than a bridal store. Probably one of the places people feel the most nervous, excited and full of love. 

CHLOE: (Smiles, showing her perfectly fitted, white and straight teeth). Yes. I’m really excited to be here. I’ve heard good things about you.

ALLISON: I’m delighted to hear that. Would you ladies want something to drink or eat before we get on it? 

Bree and Chloe look at each other. Bree knew Chloe was always on a diet. 

Bree: I think we’re fine, thank you. Unless Chloe wants something. 

Chloe shakes her head. She’s mad, again. Her mom should know better. She’s always on a diet. 

torstai 8. toukokuuta 2014

Writing starter part. 47

Debra was that kind of a woman, who wasn't afraid of getting her hands dirty. She knew what she wanted, how to get there and what to do in order to get it. And there wasn't people who could tell her otherwise. At least, she hasn't met any.
And today, she was ready take action. She jumped on her hot-air balloon, lit up the fire and took off.
She had a short trip ahead of her and she had to do it fast.
        She landed perfectly, as always and climbed off the little basket. But then she saw something she hasn't expected. And that was rare. Debra always planned her trips perfectly, they were flawless. This time, she saw a horse in front of the cave she was supposed to go into. The horse didn't have anything on.

Writing starter part. 46

"That's the only way! I'm telling you."
"We can't jeopardize having dinosaurs back on Earth. How would you get them back? And how would we get rid of them?", the Governments negotiation board asked. "There must be another way."
"I have my ways, if you just give me a chance. These zombies are aggressive, and we need to respond to them with a bigger force. Unless you want to go there and fight with your hands, but I assume that this room is full of people who don't like to get their hands dirty", the scientist said without a doubt in his voice.
"You need to watch your mouth, mr. Welo. You're talking with the head of your country right now."
"And still you reach out to me for help."

Writing starter part. 45

"I think the best movie ever made is definitely the Hunger Games", I said determinately. My dad and brother shook their heads.
"How many times do I have to tell you that Hunger Games is just a manipulative movie for desperate, dreamy teenagers. You are not Katniss Everdeen and you will never find Peeta at a battlefield", my brother said.
"The best movie ever made is Titanic", my dad replied by taking part to our conversation.
"And why is that?" I wanted to know.
"Because Titanic is based on true events. It looks real, and it had everything that you can hope from a movie. Action, love, sadness and happiness."
"So does the Hunger Games! Action for days, love for everyone, sadness and happiness too."
"But is it true?"
"Well uh.. I guess you're right. Fine. You win."

keskiviikko 7. toukokuuta 2014

Writing starter part. 44

I just couldn't keep his secret anymore. It was too much to carry because it didn't just affect me, it affected a lot of people. But most importantly, it affected one of my really good friends. So many people knew about this, except the one person, that should know it. I was holding a secret for two of my friends, but at the same time, I was holding that secret from another friend.
        But now I had had enough. I knew that she deserved to know. Because it just wasn't fair. I didn't do it for me, I just felt that I owed her the truth. I told her to meet me for coffee. That I had something to tell her. Her name was Laura, and she had been dating this guy, Nick, for four years now. I got to know to Nick first, but through him, I met Laura, and we became really close friends. But I was close with Nick too. I also got to know to this girl Sara, who was best friend's with Nick and good friends with Laura. Sara was also one of my best friends. That's why this was so hard. Because whatever I did, I betrayed someone.
        "Sara and Nick have had an affair for two years now", I said. I just said it, without any warning, it just came out. There was no way of putting it nicely. And I could just see how something inside of Laura died, instantly.

perjantai 25. huhtikuuta 2014

Children's book text

Sammy Strong

Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Sammy. Sammy was a small sized, pale boy with ginger hair. He had his freckles all over his face and body. Sammy's biggest dream was to become a football player for his favorite team of all time; the Michigan Wolverines. But he only had one problem. He was weaker and smaller than lot of the girls. 
Sammy watched all the Wolverines football games and analyzed them with his dad. He wanted to be one of them. Sammy and his dad’s favorite thing to do together was to play catch with a football. Sammy knew that practicing hard and a lot was the only way to get better. Or was it?
“Sammy, you need to eat your vegetables! Broccoli, carrot, tomatoes... all of them will make you stronger!”, Sammy’s mom said, like she did every night when they had dinner. But the thing was, Sammy hated vegetables. He never ate them. “I don’t believe you mom. I tried vegetables once and it was horrible.”
But Sammy’s mom was clever this time. She wrapped couple pieces of broccoli in a candy wrapper and handed them to Sammy after dinner. Sam, unwittingly, took the wrapper and put the broccoli in his mouth. 
“What candy is this, mom?”
“It’s a new kind. Do you like it?”, Sammy’s mom asked.
“I actually do. It’s different, but good.” And so Sammy ate a whole bunch of broccoli "candies" that night. 
The next day, Sammy woke up five inches taller and so much stronger. He ran up to his mom full of excitement.
“Mom, mom! Look what happened. I think it’s because of the special candy you gave me”, Sammy yelled with a big smile on his face.
Sammy’s mom took him to the kitchen and revealed what she had done. Sammy couldn’t believe his ears, but the next dinner, he decided to be good and try his mom’s theory of the vegetables making him stronger. And he soon noticed, it was all true. 
Ever since then, Sammy grew stronger and stronger by eating his vegetables and every day, he’s closer to his dream of being a Michigan wolverine. 

Writing starter part. 43

Tim was surrounded. He had no idea where had the alligators came from. But they were everywhere, that he knew. He had knocked out maybe half of them but now he had made a bad move and the alligators got him surrounded.
       These alligators were smart and they all attacked him at once and ate him. Poor Tim.

torstai 24. huhtikuuta 2014

Writing starter part. 42

Once upon a time, Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother invited the Three Little Pig for tea. It wasn't a normal afternoon tea, unfortunately. They had to come with a plan, because they shared the same enemy. They all lived in the same forest together. Now the time had come that they had to move the enemy, they had all had enough.

keskiviikko 23. huhtikuuta 2014

Children's book rough draft

Sammy Strong

Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Sammy. Sammy was a small sized, pale boy with ginger hair. He had his freckles all over his face and body. Sammy's biggest dream was to become a football player for his favorite team of all time; the Michigan Wolverines. But he only had one problem. He was weaker and smaller than lot of the girls. 
Sammy watched all the Wolverines football games and analyzed them with his dad. He wanted to be one of them. Sammy and his dad’s favorite thing to do together was to play catch with a football. Sammy knew that practicing hard and a lot was the only way to get better. Or was it?
“Sammy, you need to eat your vegetables! Broccoli, carrot, tomatoes... all of them will make you stronger!”, Sammy’s mom said, like she did every night when they had dinner. But the thing was, Sammy hated vegetables. He never ate them. “I don’t believe you mom. I tried vegetables once and it was horrible.”
But Sammy’s mom was clever this time. She wrapped couple pieces of broccoli in a candy wrapper and handed them to Sammy after dinner. Sam, unwittingly, took the wrapper and put the broccoli in his mouth. 
“What candy is this, mom?”
“It’s a new kind. Do you like it?”, Sammy’s mom asked.
“I actually do. It’s different, but good.” And so Sammy ate a whole bunch of broccoli "candies" that night. 
The next day, Sammy woke up five inches taller and so much stronger. He ran up to his mom full of excitement.
“Mom, mom! Look what happened. I think it’s because of the special candy you gave me”, Sammy yelled with a big smile on his face.
Sammy’s mom took him to the kitchen and revealed what she had done. Sammy couldn’t believe his ears, but the next dinner, he decided to be good and try his mom’s theory of the vegetables making him stronger. And he soon noticed, it was all true. 
Ever since then, Sammy grew stronger and stronger by eating his vegetables and every day, he’s closer to his dream of being a Michigan wolverine. 

Writing starter part. 41

Once upon a time there was a lion that ate everything he saw. He had no mercy what so ever, but one day he ran into a wizard. The wizard had heard about him and he decided to teach him a lesson; he did his magic and the lion ended up without teeth. Lesson: don't eat everybody.

Once upon a time there was a monkey with roller skates. He loved his roller skates and he took them everywhere with him. Once he came across with a place that said "No roller skating". The monkey battled if he should still go, and he decided to do it. So then a guard caught him and seized his roller skates. Lesson: follow the rules

tiistai 22. huhtikuuta 2014

Writing starter part. 40

"Oh my god there's cotton candy everywhere!", yelled Brian when he woke up.
"I know! Mom and dad really knew what they were doing this year. This is amazing!", Brittany replied.
Billy wasn't too happy yet. Something was off. He was twelve and he wasn't too naive. Their parents would never fill up their rooms with cotton candy. And before they all could even blink, the horror begun.

Writing starter part. 39

It was THE place to know about. If you wanted to be "one of the cools", you had to know this place. Pink Kittens is what it's called. Every cool kid had something from that store, and all the ones that didn't have anything, wanted to have some.

maanantai 21. huhtikuuta 2014

Writing starter part. 38

The Man Who Ate Everything

Once upon a time, there was a man who could eat everything. And not only could he do it, but he did eat everything. Pies, candy, hamburgers, fries, soda, everything with fat and sugar in them. Fruits weren't his favorite but he ate them, too. So one day he looked into the mirror and saw what he'd done to himself. He was extremely obese but could not stop eating.

Writing starter part. 37

I hate peas. My mom always wants me to eat peas because everyone else in my family eats peas. I want to be different. And I don't like peas. Peas are food for little kids, and I'm almost eight years old. I need to move into the bigger league. They have carrots in the big kids league. I like carrots. But I have a confession; when I was four years old, I ate peas.

Writing starter part. 36

The black thing wasn't a cloud at all. It was a big aircraft getting ready to land. Clarence the cow panicked because he had never seen an aircraft that big just floating around at his favorite place. And now that aircraft had completely ruined his nap. He was about to find out who was driving that ship - and why.

torstai 17. huhtikuuta 2014

Children's book brainstorm

1. I liked horses and horseback riding, baseball and do different kinds of "shelters" with my friends

2. "When you make a sandwich, cheese belongs on top of the meat", "Peanut butter and jelly is NOT real food", "You can caught up with your sleep when you're dead"


4. Candy for dinner everyday, they don't want to go bed, they want to have their own telephones

5. People would have flying "ballcars" which could take them everywhere

6. "Every story has two sides"

7. Why do we have to go to school
- that you can get a job

keskiviikko 16. huhtikuuta 2014

Writing starter part. 35

"Why didn't you see the tree? You were looking right at it."
"I swear it wasn't there a minute ago!" He screamed back to the duck while he was standing next to his smoking car.
"Have you checked your vision lately? Or maybe it is something mental...", the duck replied with a thoughtful look.
"Stop. I don't know what makes you think I was looking at the tree, because there wasn't anything. I'm sure about it."
"So you know it's a bit funny to hear that coming out of your mouth since you're standing next to your wrecked car because you ran into a tree", the duck said with a huge sass.

perjantai 4. huhtikuuta 2014

Memoir draft

I wish I had known the things I know now, when I was 15. I was naive and thought that nothing could ever happen to me. Real mature way of thinking, but that is just the way teenager's brains work.
       It was supposed to be a normal afternoon. I drove my little moped car(a European thing, just like a smart car but goes as fast as a scooter) to my bestfriend's - at the time - house. It was summer and life was great. I had just had my confirmation party that weekend. Everything was basically perfect.
"So what's good today?", she asked as soon as I walked inside her house.
"I don't know yet. I want to do something exciting", I answered without knowing that that was a night I would've been better of by just staying home.
       Her phone rang. I had no idea who it was, but she giggled in a way that I knew it was some guy. It was always some guy. A new one, all the time. I didn't even bother to keep up with them.
"I know what we're doing today. It's going to be great", Roosa, my friend, said with a smile on her face.
"What is it?"
"We should go to this guys' house. He invited us. There are other guys there, too. It's a bit far away but I guess we can use your mopedcar. It's just like our own road trip", she said and of course, me being stupid, I agreed right away. Even though I knew my mother would never let me drive that far away with my moped car because it wasn't safe at all. You aren't allowed to drive in a highway with that vehicle, and it was basically highways all the way there. And the city was more than an hour away from out home city. So we decided that the best way to go about this is to lie. Like we did every other time we did something we weren't supposed to do. I told my mom I would be spending the night at my friend's house, and she told her parents that she's staying at my place. What a classic story, but worked every time before that and unfortunately that time too.
        So we left. And we got to this guys' house, at one piece, which surprised me because the travel there wasn't easy. We had to take all these backroads in order to avoid the highways. Once we got to his house we were so happy.
"We did it!", we screamed, so happily someone probably thought we won the lottery. But once we got inside the house I started having second thoughts. It was really awkard because no one really knew each other. We were young and they were couple years older. But then someone got a brilliant idea.
"Let's go for a ride with your mopedcar!"   

tiistai 1. huhtikuuta 2014

Writing starter part. 34

Yes, this is how I express myself. Is there an age limit to spray painting? I hate those close minded people that walk past my wall and look at me with despite in their eyes. I don't understand how does me painting this wall make anyone's life more miserable? I think it's the opposite, this is art at its finest. I'm going to keep on doing it, no matter how weird people think I am. Because I can.

Writing starter part. 33

I’m hiding in the tree tonight, and when they come back to finish it, I’ll make them pay. I'm sick of these kids who come and ruin my beautiful wall. When I catch them, I'll carry them home and let their parents know how terrible job they've done in the parenting field. This was the exact reason I didn't get kids, they're nothing more than trouble.

Writing starter part. 32

I'm just glad they're not any taller or I'd have to get out a ladder to get those horrible work of vandalism out of my wall. Now I can reach them and clean them up, I don't understand who finds them pretty. Even though they are. Pretty.

maanantai 31. maaliskuuta 2014

Writing starter part. 31

The best part about my family is that we are really diverse. Not many people can say that their brother is a professional golfer, dad is an ex paratrooper, mom is a successful businesswoman but still a great mother and you yourself have visited over 10 countries and lived a year in another country before turning 18.
We love to travel and see the world, and I love that. Our family is interested in what's happening around us but still we have really close relationships between our family members. My parents are sane and don't go crazy or have irrational rules. My brother can be a protective brother but then turn into a beast when he coaches me at the gym.

I love my family.

Writing starter part. 30

When I was younger, through ages 5-10, my absolute favorite TV show was "Pikku Kakkonen". It translates to English as "little two". It came from a channel two, I assume the name comes from that.
That show was my favorite because it wasn't just a one show, it had multiple shows in it. So you never got bored. I had my favorite shows, but everything that Pikku Kakkonen showed, was good. Pikku Kakkonen was on every night, also during weekends. Also the fact, that everyone in my age group watched Pikku Kakkonen, made it popular in my "mind", too.

Writing starter part. 28

First time I drove a car was from my dad's lap. We were on our way to kindergarden and he let me "steer" the wheel. I felt so old and cool, I could tell all my kindergarden friends that I drove a car. I was a little nervous though but that feeling soon went away as I realized my dad got everything under control.

Writing starter part. 26

There was a Bill who went up a hill
His intention was just to go and chill
But then he saw a dog what was red
So he decided go back to bed

perjantai 28. maaliskuuta 2014

Writing starter part. 29

I feel most like me when I'm at the gym or at home.

Probably at the gym though because there I get to do what I really enjoy doing, when I'm home I usually just lay around.

I would be alone or with my best training friend, the music would be really loud. You could smell the steel.

Gym is important to me because there I can do what I'm good at, release stress and achieve goals.

Writing starter part. 27

I'll never forget about my grandma. She was there for me since I was born, and she lived through some of the most important things in my life.

I remember how we used to play these games only us two knew and she taught me how to make the most delicious crepes. I spent the most wonderful Christmas' with her.

I miss her so much.



Full of excitement and maybe a bit fear
Getting ready for the unknown
Ready to go but not sure when

Chorus: This is the best thing I've ever done
My jump to the unknown
It has given me so much and a lot more
I guess unknown could never be a bore

Saying goodbye but knowing it's not forever
Confused tears and mixed feelings
Should I be sad or should I be happy
Touching for the last time and walking out the door
Because I just want more

Saying goodbye again and knowing it's forever
I never thought this could happen
Is this what you see when you're dying
Every moment flashing in front of your eyes
And then you just feel like crying

Chorus: This is the best thing I've ever done
My jump to the unknown
It has given me so much and a lot more
I guess unknown could never be a bore

Bridge: Now I know myself better
I know what I want
And more who I am
But my unknown is now mostly known
And I don't want it to be

Chorus: This is the best thing I've ever done
My jump to the unknown
It has given me so much and a lot more
I guess unknown could never be a bore

tiistai 25. maaliskuuta 2014

Song lyric brainstorm

1. Drunk in love, the Man, Love is overrated, Wrecking ball, We can't stop

2. Drunk about love, the Woman, Food is underrated, Basketball, We believe


- It is about a strong independent woman
- How the woman is taking care of herself and enjoying her life without being reliant on anybody
- It is new, this year
- It doesn't have a specific place
- Because the author is sick and tired of people saying that women always need a man to be happy and to be successful in life
- The author is happy without a man and doing the things she loves, but still women around her find their selves "uncompleted" without a boyfriend or they feel they're less capable to do something if they're single

5. It suggests that the song is obviously about a woman
It could be a love song
Or a song about what someone doesn't understand/like about his/hers woman
It could be about a strong woman character who has made a huge impact in someone's life

6. It's not about animals
Or that it would be about food
Nor about a man
Or that it would include alcohol/drugs

sunnuntai 23. maaliskuuta 2014

Writing starter part. 25

We've been on the run
driving in the sun
looking out for
number one

here we come


You've been in the ocean
driving on the road
looking something for
number two

Maybe we love

Writing starter part. 24

Title: Drunk in love
Singer: Beyonce
This song has a special place in my heart because there are so many memories behind this song and I have lived some of the best memories of my exchange year while this song has been playing. This also reminds me of the most amazing people I've met. We have even named our friend group after this song. #teamsurfboard

perjantai 14. maaliskuuta 2014

Writing starter part. 23

We were like two peas in a pod.
We did everything together, 
because we lived on the same street.
We even wore same clothes all the time.

But then time drew us apart.
You are older than me, we went to different schools.
Different friends, different groups.
And now you have a completely different life. I don't know you anymore. 

keskiviikko 12. maaliskuuta 2014

Villanelle poem

Wait for the glowing sun
Be excited about the warm sand
Look forward to the hot days and the fun

You are able to run
And see the famous stars
Wait for the glowing sun

Be glad you're not a nun
So you can actually enjoy but just
Look forward to the hot days and the fun

Maybe you'll find your loved one
Or find something else that's worth a lot but just
wait for the glowing sun

Don't take ever carry a gun
It's not safe, just
look forward to the hot days and the fun

Forget all the bad things you've done
And enjoy the good things
Wait for the glowing sun
Look forward to the hot days and the fun

Sestina poem

A girl held back her tears(a)
as she was at a public place.(b)
She didn't like to cry in front of other people,(c)
she didn't want to look weak.(d)
Mean people with their opinions(e)
or maybe they just had better expectations. (f)

Everybody has different expectations;
and sometimes people break down under the pressure, they break down to tears.
It is said that you shouldn't care about people's opinions.
That you should find your own happy place.
And sometimes - it is okay to be weak.
In the end, we are all just people.

There are so many different kinds of people.
You can't meet everyone's expectations.
Even though, in someone's eyes, that makes you weak.
Sometimes, when you have been strong for too long, it comes out as tears.
I wouldn't mind finding my happy place.
It would be a place, that I wouldn't mind my own opinions.

Usually I also hate my own opinions.
It's not always other people.
Or the place.
I have high expectations.
Sometimes, that makes me break down to tears.
And then I feel - weak.

How would you describe weak?
Is weak a person without opinions?
Is weak a person who is always in tears?
Is weak a person who minds other people?
Is weak a person with no expectations?
Is weak a person without their own place?

Does everyone have their happy place?
Are everyone somewhat weak?
Do we all have expectations?
Or can one say they don't have opinions?
One would argue that our expectations and opinions are based on other people.
But then again - that is probably someone who say's it is okay to be in tears.

Don't have too high expectations, and learn not to mind other's negative opinions. It is just an opinion. Find your own happy place. Don't be afraid of being weak. Listen to the good things that comes out of people. And even this; don't be ashamed of your tears.

tiistai 11. maaliskuuta 2014

Writing starter part. 21

I drive slow through this neighborhood. Everything's quiet, most of the houses are already dark. People are asleep. I pass this one house, but I see this person standing in the yard. Not moving, just staring at the house. I can see his or hers breath because it's cold. I get chills, that is creepy.

maanantai 10. maaliskuuta 2014

Writing starter part. 20

That smell tells people that I'm cooking.
It smells like cancer to me.
And failure.
It smells like frustration too, one more meal ruined.
Burned food, I hate that smell.

Sorry poem

Mom and dad, I'm sorry

That I lied where I was going

and then crashed my car.

New, older guys

wanting to go for a ride.

Me, young and stupid

insecure and without the power

to say "no."

Them, pressuring me

and my friend not defending me.

But in the end, I guess I wanted to go,


Voice in my head saying "do it."

"Nothing has ever happened before."

Too much weight in the car,

and too much speed.

We crashed.

I felt horrible, scared and like it was unreal.

I remember the ambulances, police cars and fire trucks.

My mom crying over the phone.

I was in shock.

I hope you have already forgiven me for being
reckless and causing you unnecessary fear.

perjantai 7. maaliskuuta 2014

Memory poem

"He's sick"

When I was 13, my 

most trusted veterinarian, Katja

Told me that my horse could never compete

At an international level, again

She crushed my every hope

and dream

“There’s no way”, she said

She said I shouldn’t even try

Apparently it would be waste of my time

First I was sad

Crying, even

I felt like my work

all of my work

had been for nothing

Competing and horses

were my whole life

at that point

It felt like she took the whole ground

under my feet

And I was left

Floating around

Without a goal

Then I got mad

I decided I just cant give up

Without even trying

I found another veterinarian 

He told me that with a lot of rehabilitation

We might get him back in shape


Most important to have

And now I had it again

It took us four months

Four months of hard work and tears

But we did it

And he got better

And we competed again

torstai 6. maaliskuuta 2014

Writing starter part. 19

Hotel lobby and it lights.
DaVinci and his artistic nights.

His art, bought by an huge enterprise. 
Employees, trying to all see all the details, they are hard to memorize. 
Single mom who tends to be caring, 
wants the piece that's the most daring. 

keskiviikko 5. maaliskuuta 2014

Pantoum poem

Gum is my obsession:

Gum makes me feel better;

It gives me something to do

Takes my hunger away

Distracts me from you

It gives me something to do

It tastes so good

Distracts me from you

I don't care if my gum is red or blue

It tastes so good

It's hard to be away from it

I don't care if my gum is red or blue

My love for gum is understood by few

It's hard to be away from it

Even when I feel like shit

My love for gum is understood by few

But when I ate my first gum, I knew

Writing starter part. 17

Dear sun: I really love you, the way you give me warmth makes me happy. My mood is always happy when you're around. You even make people look better when they get tanned. But why do you show up so rarely?

Writing starter part. 18

Peninsula Hospital Center was in New York

It is not a hospital anymore

They had a lot of patients and they served them with pork

Now people are mad because they are sore

The hospital closed two years ago

But it opened nineteen o-eight

And that ruined everyone's flow

Back then it had an ugly gate

maanantai 3. maaliskuuta 2014

Ideogram poem

T A person with a gym bar on their back

U a shortcut to a word you

U looks like horseshoe what represents my dear hobby

L looks like a luck I don't have

I looks like a scar in my hand

A reminds me of America

Writing starter part. 16


ginger fur

most kindest eyes

I loved to see you

The best memories

Talented jumper


perjantai 28. helmikuuta 2014

Writing starter part. 15

My childhood home is yellow and white
It looks so good it makes you want to take a bite

I have lived some of the best memories there
And there will always be people who care

At this house, everything just feels right

Synesthesia poem

Turquoise, looks like ocean;

bright and happy ocean.

It tastes fresh,

something good that gives you


It soothes you,

but not in a paralyzing way.

It feels soft,

not bumpy.

Like it is meant to be.

Best thing poem

Best thing about hockey is the intensity.

No, the best thing about hockey is the players,
hot, sporty players.

No, the best thing is how I enjoy it,
and could spend hours watching it.

No, the best thing is how many people like it too,
I'll always have someone to watch it with me.

No, the best thing is how known it is,
it is know all over the world.

No, the best thing about it is everything. Everything is best about it.

keskiviikko 26. helmikuuta 2014

Writing starter part. 14

I looked slim
I talked to him
I was a mice
It was nice

Noisy poem

Spencer hitting his keyboard.

Paul in the hallway shouting "Tuulia, my lord!"

Loisanne screaming someone's name.

And me, thinking that this is all really lame.

Allison walking home loudly like a boss,

Teemu thinking about last night's loss.

Girls partying like never before.

And me, music blasting in the background doing my core.

Weekend coming so slow that it looks like its in huge pain.

This make's everybody go insane.

You walk around, see everyone crying.

And me, laughing here while lying.  

tiistai 25. helmikuuta 2014

Writing starter part. 13

My flower smells like the best parfumes and lotions in one, you don't know a better smell before you smell my flower. You will never wan't to leave that flower because that smell is addicting. It's soft like a pillow ocean. My flower could be used for curing cancer. The liquid inside of it is like a medicine for the incurable cancers. 

maanantai 24. helmikuuta 2014

Writing starter part. 12

“That’s weird, thought Cupid. I’ve never hit the wrong person like that before.”
"Maybe it's time for you to retire. Find a younger person to replace you. I know you love your thing, but you can't keep hitting wrong people", Cupid's life long friend said. Cupid looked shocked. 
"Retire? Did you forget to take your pills in the morning? No one can replace me! I'm the one and only, and let me tell you, no one else knows how to pair people like me. Remember the guy from China and the girl from Germany?"
"Yeah that was pretty epic.." 

torstai 20. helmikuuta 2014

Writing starter part. 11

"Yes finally!", my husband yells full of excitement. He runs from the kitchen to the door to get the disturbing thing on our porch. This was the 20th these we've gotten in a month.
"I really, need you to tell me what the hell are these for? What the hell are these?", I say with increasing my volume a little bit. I'm so tired of getting these things on my front porch and not having any idea what they are. And my husband won't tell me. My husband doesn't answer, just hums to himself.
"If you won't tell me what these are - I swear to God. I will divorce you", I say without a doubt in my voice. My husband turns around and smiles. "Maybe you should."

keskiviikko 19. helmikuuta 2014

Writing starter part. 10

An it all came down to the handyman in my workroom. When I found him, I never believed that it was the start of everything. As shocking as it was, at the time I thought that he just had a heart attack. And that's what they told me from the hospital. But now I know better.

perjantai 14. helmikuuta 2014

Writing starter part. 9

My passion is exercising; especially gym and kickboxing. Exercising always makes me feel good and when I reach my goals it's satisfying, but I'm still never completely done. I have got many friends through exercising and sports. It is big part of my life.

School has PE so that is how school helps me. I enjoy most of the sports classes that school's provide.

Short story assignment rough draft

Ellen had always lived in that same city. She had traveled a lot, but the place she calls home had always been in the same city. The city she was born in. She liked to be alone. It didn't bother her. That's why she usually traveled alone. She said she got more out of the trips if she went alone, no one to drag into places or to please. If she wanted to wake up and leave before the sunrise, she could. If she didn't come home before the sundown, no one would complain.
   Andrew always wanted to go with her. Just because she never let him. They had been friends forever and now he was curious what she was doing on those trips. What was so private she couldn't share with anyone else? Andrew was jealous of her. How she enjoyed her life. "Lived her life to the fullest." He was just an assistant for a CEO, who didn't appreciate his value. He was hoping, that one day, he would be the CEO. But as for now, he was organizing his papers, getting coffee, answering his phone, basically being a doormat for him. He saw hundreds of people on a daily basis but no one remembered his name. After each day, he wondered if that job would get him anywhere. But yet he still returned to that desk, every single day. 
   Ellen stared out of the window. She has just been on the phone with her mother. Holly, her 63 year old mother, who had been going strong every day, until this day. She had always been full of life, happy and doing the things she loved. She had thought Ellen that life is way too short to do something that you don't love. Now, Holly had been diagnosed with an aggressive stomach cancer. She quit her job immediately after the news. 
As Ellen was staring out of the window, she was getting flashbacks from her father's death. The phone call. The tears. Rushing to the hospital, only to discover that "there was nothing the doctor's could've done."

torstai 13. helmikuuta 2014

Writing starter part. 8

                         Life would be so much easier if I would be a cartoon character

I would not want to be a cartoon character. I would like to adapt some of their qualities though. My life would be so much easier, if I could fly. My life is pretty busy, and on top of that, I have two homes. Two homes which are 7 000 kilometers apart. So, whenever I feel the need to see my loved ones in Finland, I could just take up and fly there. It would also make my life here, a lot easier. I wouldn't need to bother anyone to drive me anywhere. I wouldn't be dependent on anyone. And that would also make me move faster. More time to sleep in the morning. 
I wouldn't mind having a indivisibility skill either. I could disappear whenever I needed to. 
But despite the lack of these skills in my life, I think I'm doing just fine. I rather actually live here, than kill bad guys in magazines. 

Writing starter part. 6

Ellen had always lived in that same city. She had traveled a lot, but the place she calls home had always been in the same city. The city she was born in. She liked to be alone. It didn't bother her. That's why she usually traveled alone. She said she got more out of the trips if she went alone, no one to drag into places or to please. 
   Andrew always wanted to go with her. Just because she never let him. They had been friends forever and now he was curious what she was doing on those trips. What was so private she couldn't share with anyone else? 

keskiviikko 12. helmikuuta 2014

Character sketches & writing starter part. 7

Ellen, 26, reporter for her town's traveling magazine.
   1. Best thing was when she graduated as a reporter and got a job of her dreams. 
   2. She doesn't have one - yet.
   3. She is more Democratic but she has some Republican values. Her interest is in environment and animals and taking care of them but she likes her money right where she can see it - in her wallet. She hates taxes and doesn't like government's involvement. 
- Mom gets sick with cancer
- Dad dies when Ellen's young 

Andrew, 26, assistant for a multi million corporation's CEO. 
- His dad went to jail for fraud when he was 9
- Mom got depressed and they had to sell their house 

Jesse, 23, surfing instructor. 
- shark attacks him and he gets really injured
- they take away his surfing teaching license because of the accident 

Holly, 63, retired
- She retired early because she got diagnosed with aggressive stomach cancer 
- Husband dies in a motorcycle accident

Ciara, 25, owns an art & coffee shop, best friend of Ellen
- Got kicked out of University because of drug use
- Got addicted to cocaine -> went to rehab

maanantai 10. helmikuuta 2014

Writing starter part. 5

Once upon a time there was a weird group of friends. Corn, Wheat, Sugar, Brown sugar and Almond. They all lived happily ever after. Before they ended up in a cereal mix. 

sunnuntai 9. helmikuuta 2014

Writing starter part. 4

"You promised not to tell anyone! I trusted you", a girl said with tears in her eyes. The boy in front of him stared at her, quietly. He turned away and was about to leave.
"Don't you dare to leave! Don't you dear to walk away. You are a coward", the girl screamed. She was bawling. The whole hallway must have heard that.
"What do you want me to say? There's nothing left to say. I don't care about you. I never did, I never will. You trusted me, and I used you. Simple as that", said the boy without even looking into her eyes. He was gone by the time a teacher came from a class to see what was going on.

perjantai 7. helmikuuta 2014

Flash fiction

                                                     The failures on the road

Finally. My inner-self was doing cartwheels. I had finally reached the airport, alive and at one piece. I can't believe the taxi driver got lost, even when he had lived 20 years in that same city. Then, on top of everything, he hit the car in front of us because he was too busy trying to make me laugh. I don’t think I have ever been that serious. I had specifically told the taxi company that I wanted a cab at my house, at 2.3o pm. My flight was about to leave at five, and I wanted to play safe. But no. The cab arrived at three, 30 minutes late. That’s when the troubles started.
I was running to get inside the airport, when I heard a pop. One of the tires of my suitcase fell off. Now my inner-self stopped doing cartwheels. I had no choice than start carrying my luggage. I got into a check-in and the lady in front of me had totally had lemons for breakfast. She checked in my luggage and told me to hurry up, the boarding gate had changed to a other side of the terminal. My inner-self was now banging her head through the wall. I had to make it to this flight. Someone’s life depended on it.

keskiviikko 5. helmikuuta 2014

Flash fiction introduction

  1. According to the author, how is the narrative form of the novel particularly suited to America?
  2. How does Mr. Faulkner define flash fiction?
  3. What is gained in “writing short”?
  4. What must each line of a short short story do?
  5. What do you think Mr. Faulkner means by “Such evocative, fragmentary brevity makes this Twitter and Facebook era perfect for flash fiction. Flash allows literature to be a part of our everyday life, even if we are strange multitasking creatures addled by a world that demands more, more, more”? Do you agree?

1. He says this way you better understand America’s highways, the oozing boundaries of our suburbia and the rhythms of life they induce in us.  

2. If the story is under 1,000 words it is a flash fiction

3. It makes people wonder what happened before the started and after the story ended. It makes them think rather than giving them straightly the answer. 

4. Each line of a flash story must carry a symbolic weight that moves the story forward 

5. I agree because you have to think what you write into Facebook and Twitter and because they give you limited amount of characters, you have to think how to form your sentences

Writing starter part. 3

I tried to explain, but I couldn’t.
You looked at me.
I tried to explain, but I couldn’t.
You spoke to me.
I tried to explain, but I couldn’t.
You touched my hand.
I tried to explain, but I couldn’t.
You turned away.
I did try to explain, but I couldn’t.
> I kept looking at you.
I did try to explain, but I couldn't.
I wanted to touch you back.
I did try to explain, but I couldn't.
You started walking away.
I did try to explain, but I couldn't. 
I wanted to follow.
I did try to explain, but I couldn't.
But I didn't.
I did try to explain, but I couldn't. 

tiistai 4. helmikuuta 2014

Writing starter part. 2

My shovel hit something. Memories flashed through my mind, I couldn't believe that I had hit this spot. The spot that was meant to be hidden. Many years ago I had gone through a lot of trouble to hide this from her, my sister I mean. I had hid her favorite barbie house in our backyard, to tease her. And told everyone my friend stole it. I guess our lies always find us, one way or another.

maanantai 3. helmikuuta 2014

Writing starter

I don't have like an absolute favorite work of "creativity" but one good movie is definitely "The Impossible". The movie is about a family that was in the tsunami in Thailand and their experience. Usually movies don't make me cry, but in this one, I couldn't hold back my tears. It felt so real and I could really feel their emotions and what they went through. Also this movie might have more affect on me because I know people who actually were there.