keskiviikko 12. maaliskuuta 2014

Sestina poem

A girl held back her tears(a)
as she was at a public place.(b)
She didn't like to cry in front of other people,(c)
she didn't want to look weak.(d)
Mean people with their opinions(e)
or maybe they just had better expectations. (f)

Everybody has different expectations;
and sometimes people break down under the pressure, they break down to tears.
It is said that you shouldn't care about people's opinions.
That you should find your own happy place.
And sometimes - it is okay to be weak.
In the end, we are all just people.

There are so many different kinds of people.
You can't meet everyone's expectations.
Even though, in someone's eyes, that makes you weak.
Sometimes, when you have been strong for too long, it comes out as tears.
I wouldn't mind finding my happy place.
It would be a place, that I wouldn't mind my own opinions.

Usually I also hate my own opinions.
It's not always other people.
Or the place.
I have high expectations.
Sometimes, that makes me break down to tears.
And then I feel - weak.

How would you describe weak?
Is weak a person without opinions?
Is weak a person who is always in tears?
Is weak a person who minds other people?
Is weak a person with no expectations?
Is weak a person without their own place?

Does everyone have their happy place?
Are everyone somewhat weak?
Do we all have expectations?
Or can one say they don't have opinions?
One would argue that our expectations and opinions are based on other people.
But then again - that is probably someone who say's it is okay to be in tears.

Don't have too high expectations, and learn not to mind other's negative opinions. It is just an opinion. Find your own happy place. Don't be afraid of being weak. Listen to the good things that comes out of people. And even this; don't be ashamed of your tears.

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