perjantai 7. helmikuuta 2014

Flash fiction

                                                     The failures on the road

Finally. My inner-self was doing cartwheels. I had finally reached the airport, alive and at one piece. I can't believe the taxi driver got lost, even when he had lived 20 years in that same city. Then, on top of everything, he hit the car in front of us because he was too busy trying to make me laugh. I don’t think I have ever been that serious. I had specifically told the taxi company that I wanted a cab at my house, at 2.3o pm. My flight was about to leave at five, and I wanted to play safe. But no. The cab arrived at three, 30 minutes late. That’s when the troubles started.
I was running to get inside the airport, when I heard a pop. One of the tires of my suitcase fell off. Now my inner-self stopped doing cartwheels. I had no choice than start carrying my luggage. I got into a check-in and the lady in front of me had totally had lemons for breakfast. She checked in my luggage and told me to hurry up, the boarding gate had changed to a other side of the terminal. My inner-self was now banging her head through the wall. I had to make it to this flight. Someone’s life depended on it.

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