perjantai 7. maaliskuuta 2014

Memory poem

"He's sick"

When I was 13, my 

most trusted veterinarian, Katja

Told me that my horse could never compete

At an international level, again

She crushed my every hope

and dream

“There’s no way”, she said

She said I shouldn’t even try

Apparently it would be waste of my time

First I was sad

Crying, even

I felt like my work

all of my work

had been for nothing

Competing and horses

were my whole life

at that point

It felt like she took the whole ground

under my feet

And I was left

Floating around

Without a goal

Then I got mad

I decided I just cant give up

Without even trying

I found another veterinarian 

He told me that with a lot of rehabilitation

We might get him back in shape


Most important to have

And now I had it again

It took us four months

Four months of hard work and tears

But we did it

And he got better

And we competed again

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