perjantai 28. helmikuuta 2014

Writing starter part. 15

My childhood home is yellow and white
It looks so good it makes you want to take a bite

I have lived some of the best memories there
And there will always be people who care

At this house, everything just feels right

Synesthesia poem

Turquoise, looks like ocean;

bright and happy ocean.

It tastes fresh,

something good that gives you


It soothes you,

but not in a paralyzing way.

It feels soft,

not bumpy.

Like it is meant to be.

Best thing poem

Best thing about hockey is the intensity.

No, the best thing about hockey is the players,
hot, sporty players.

No, the best thing is how I enjoy it,
and could spend hours watching it.

No, the best thing is how many people like it too,
I'll always have someone to watch it with me.

No, the best thing is how known it is,
it is know all over the world.

No, the best thing about it is everything. Everything is best about it.

keskiviikko 26. helmikuuta 2014

Writing starter part. 14

I looked slim
I talked to him
I was a mice
It was nice

Noisy poem

Spencer hitting his keyboard.

Paul in the hallway shouting "Tuulia, my lord!"

Loisanne screaming someone's name.

And me, thinking that this is all really lame.

Allison walking home loudly like a boss,

Teemu thinking about last night's loss.

Girls partying like never before.

And me, music blasting in the background doing my core.

Weekend coming so slow that it looks like its in huge pain.

This make's everybody go insane.

You walk around, see everyone crying.

And me, laughing here while lying.  

tiistai 25. helmikuuta 2014

Writing starter part. 13

My flower smells like the best parfumes and lotions in one, you don't know a better smell before you smell my flower. You will never wan't to leave that flower because that smell is addicting. It's soft like a pillow ocean. My flower could be used for curing cancer. The liquid inside of it is like a medicine for the incurable cancers. 

maanantai 24. helmikuuta 2014

Writing starter part. 12

“That’s weird, thought Cupid. I’ve never hit the wrong person like that before.”
"Maybe it's time for you to retire. Find a younger person to replace you. I know you love your thing, but you can't keep hitting wrong people", Cupid's life long friend said. Cupid looked shocked. 
"Retire? Did you forget to take your pills in the morning? No one can replace me! I'm the one and only, and let me tell you, no one else knows how to pair people like me. Remember the guy from China and the girl from Germany?"
"Yeah that was pretty epic.." 

torstai 20. helmikuuta 2014

Writing starter part. 11

"Yes finally!", my husband yells full of excitement. He runs from the kitchen to the door to get the disturbing thing on our porch. This was the 20th these we've gotten in a month.
"I really, need you to tell me what the hell are these for? What the hell are these?", I say with increasing my volume a little bit. I'm so tired of getting these things on my front porch and not having any idea what they are. And my husband won't tell me. My husband doesn't answer, just hums to himself.
"If you won't tell me what these are - I swear to God. I will divorce you", I say without a doubt in my voice. My husband turns around and smiles. "Maybe you should."

keskiviikko 19. helmikuuta 2014

Writing starter part. 10

An it all came down to the handyman in my workroom. When I found him, I never believed that it was the start of everything. As shocking as it was, at the time I thought that he just had a heart attack. And that's what they told me from the hospital. But now I know better.

perjantai 14. helmikuuta 2014

Writing starter part. 9

My passion is exercising; especially gym and kickboxing. Exercising always makes me feel good and when I reach my goals it's satisfying, but I'm still never completely done. I have got many friends through exercising and sports. It is big part of my life.

School has PE so that is how school helps me. I enjoy most of the sports classes that school's provide.

Short story assignment rough draft

Ellen had always lived in that same city. She had traveled a lot, but the place she calls home had always been in the same city. The city she was born in. She liked to be alone. It didn't bother her. That's why she usually traveled alone. She said she got more out of the trips if she went alone, no one to drag into places or to please. If she wanted to wake up and leave before the sunrise, she could. If she didn't come home before the sundown, no one would complain.
   Andrew always wanted to go with her. Just because she never let him. They had been friends forever and now he was curious what she was doing on those trips. What was so private she couldn't share with anyone else? Andrew was jealous of her. How she enjoyed her life. "Lived her life to the fullest." He was just an assistant for a CEO, who didn't appreciate his value. He was hoping, that one day, he would be the CEO. But as for now, he was organizing his papers, getting coffee, answering his phone, basically being a doormat for him. He saw hundreds of people on a daily basis but no one remembered his name. After each day, he wondered if that job would get him anywhere. But yet he still returned to that desk, every single day. 
   Ellen stared out of the window. She has just been on the phone with her mother. Holly, her 63 year old mother, who had been going strong every day, until this day. She had always been full of life, happy and doing the things she loved. She had thought Ellen that life is way too short to do something that you don't love. Now, Holly had been diagnosed with an aggressive stomach cancer. She quit her job immediately after the news. 
As Ellen was staring out of the window, she was getting flashbacks from her father's death. The phone call. The tears. Rushing to the hospital, only to discover that "there was nothing the doctor's could've done."

torstai 13. helmikuuta 2014

Writing starter part. 8

                         Life would be so much easier if I would be a cartoon character

I would not want to be a cartoon character. I would like to adapt some of their qualities though. My life would be so much easier, if I could fly. My life is pretty busy, and on top of that, I have two homes. Two homes which are 7 000 kilometers apart. So, whenever I feel the need to see my loved ones in Finland, I could just take up and fly there. It would also make my life here, a lot easier. I wouldn't need to bother anyone to drive me anywhere. I wouldn't be dependent on anyone. And that would also make me move faster. More time to sleep in the morning. 
I wouldn't mind having a indivisibility skill either. I could disappear whenever I needed to. 
But despite the lack of these skills in my life, I think I'm doing just fine. I rather actually live here, than kill bad guys in magazines. 

Writing starter part. 6

Ellen had always lived in that same city. She had traveled a lot, but the place she calls home had always been in the same city. The city she was born in. She liked to be alone. It didn't bother her. That's why she usually traveled alone. She said she got more out of the trips if she went alone, no one to drag into places or to please. 
   Andrew always wanted to go with her. Just because she never let him. They had been friends forever and now he was curious what she was doing on those trips. What was so private she couldn't share with anyone else? 

keskiviikko 12. helmikuuta 2014

Character sketches & writing starter part. 7

Ellen, 26, reporter for her town's traveling magazine.
   1. Best thing was when she graduated as a reporter and got a job of her dreams. 
   2. She doesn't have one - yet.
   3. She is more Democratic but she has some Republican values. Her interest is in environment and animals and taking care of them but she likes her money right where she can see it - in her wallet. She hates taxes and doesn't like government's involvement. 
- Mom gets sick with cancer
- Dad dies when Ellen's young 

Andrew, 26, assistant for a multi million corporation's CEO. 
- His dad went to jail for fraud when he was 9
- Mom got depressed and they had to sell their house 

Jesse, 23, surfing instructor. 
- shark attacks him and he gets really injured
- they take away his surfing teaching license because of the accident 

Holly, 63, retired
- She retired early because she got diagnosed with aggressive stomach cancer 
- Husband dies in a motorcycle accident

Ciara, 25, owns an art & coffee shop, best friend of Ellen
- Got kicked out of University because of drug use
- Got addicted to cocaine -> went to rehab

maanantai 10. helmikuuta 2014

Writing starter part. 5

Once upon a time there was a weird group of friends. Corn, Wheat, Sugar, Brown sugar and Almond. They all lived happily ever after. Before they ended up in a cereal mix. 

sunnuntai 9. helmikuuta 2014

Writing starter part. 4

"You promised not to tell anyone! I trusted you", a girl said with tears in her eyes. The boy in front of him stared at her, quietly. He turned away and was about to leave.
"Don't you dare to leave! Don't you dear to walk away. You are a coward", the girl screamed. She was bawling. The whole hallway must have heard that.
"What do you want me to say? There's nothing left to say. I don't care about you. I never did, I never will. You trusted me, and I used you. Simple as that", said the boy without even looking into her eyes. He was gone by the time a teacher came from a class to see what was going on.

perjantai 7. helmikuuta 2014

Flash fiction

                                                     The failures on the road

Finally. My inner-self was doing cartwheels. I had finally reached the airport, alive and at one piece. I can't believe the taxi driver got lost, even when he had lived 20 years in that same city. Then, on top of everything, he hit the car in front of us because he was too busy trying to make me laugh. I don’t think I have ever been that serious. I had specifically told the taxi company that I wanted a cab at my house, at 2.3o pm. My flight was about to leave at five, and I wanted to play safe. But no. The cab arrived at three, 30 minutes late. That’s when the troubles started.
I was running to get inside the airport, when I heard a pop. One of the tires of my suitcase fell off. Now my inner-self stopped doing cartwheels. I had no choice than start carrying my luggage. I got into a check-in and the lady in front of me had totally had lemons for breakfast. She checked in my luggage and told me to hurry up, the boarding gate had changed to a other side of the terminal. My inner-self was now banging her head through the wall. I had to make it to this flight. Someone’s life depended on it.

keskiviikko 5. helmikuuta 2014

Flash fiction introduction

  1. According to the author, how is the narrative form of the novel particularly suited to America?
  2. How does Mr. Faulkner define flash fiction?
  3. What is gained in “writing short”?
  4. What must each line of a short short story do?
  5. What do you think Mr. Faulkner means by “Such evocative, fragmentary brevity makes this Twitter and Facebook era perfect for flash fiction. Flash allows literature to be a part of our everyday life, even if we are strange multitasking creatures addled by a world that demands more, more, more”? Do you agree?

1. He says this way you better understand America’s highways, the oozing boundaries of our suburbia and the rhythms of life they induce in us.  

2. If the story is under 1,000 words it is a flash fiction

3. It makes people wonder what happened before the started and after the story ended. It makes them think rather than giving them straightly the answer. 

4. Each line of a flash story must carry a symbolic weight that moves the story forward 

5. I agree because you have to think what you write into Facebook and Twitter and because they give you limited amount of characters, you have to think how to form your sentences

Writing starter part. 3

I tried to explain, but I couldn’t.
You looked at me.
I tried to explain, but I couldn’t.
You spoke to me.
I tried to explain, but I couldn’t.
You touched my hand.
I tried to explain, but I couldn’t.
You turned away.
I did try to explain, but I couldn’t.
> I kept looking at you.
I did try to explain, but I couldn't.
I wanted to touch you back.
I did try to explain, but I couldn't.
You started walking away.
I did try to explain, but I couldn't. 
I wanted to follow.
I did try to explain, but I couldn't.
But I didn't.
I did try to explain, but I couldn't. 

tiistai 4. helmikuuta 2014

Writing starter part. 2

My shovel hit something. Memories flashed through my mind, I couldn't believe that I had hit this spot. The spot that was meant to be hidden. Many years ago I had gone through a lot of trouble to hide this from her, my sister I mean. I had hid her favorite barbie house in our backyard, to tease her. And told everyone my friend stole it. I guess our lies always find us, one way or another.

maanantai 3. helmikuuta 2014

Writing starter

I don't have like an absolute favorite work of "creativity" but one good movie is definitely "The Impossible". The movie is about a family that was in the tsunami in Thailand and their experience. Usually movies don't make me cry, but in this one, I couldn't hold back my tears. It felt so real and I could really feel their emotions and what they went through. Also this movie might have more affect on me because I know people who actually were there.