torstai 15. toukokuuta 2014

Writing starter part. 52

Suddenly I feel like there are babies everywhere. Adorable, cute, sweet, little babies. And everyone's in love with them. But I don't understand why. Even I'm loving to look at them, and usually I hate babies.
But I saw something weird happening the other day. I was at a store, and I saw a five-year-old wondering around the store, alone. Then I saw a woman walk up to the baby and trying to ask the baby some questions. The baby handed his lollipop to the lady, and demanded her to eat it. And she did.
Then later, I saw the lady leave the store and collapse at the yard. She died. I can't get that image out of my head.

Writing starter part. 51

I have had this magical wand for a week now and I haven't done anything with it. I haven't even told anyone yet. But I know that I need to tell someone before I use it. But do I even want to use it? I'm scared. The power of the thing is just overwhelming. I want to use it to do something good, but I guess most of the people would think that way and then end up failing. I don't want to fail.. I don't do good with failing.
       The wand is still in my night stand. I think I should hide it.

Writing starter part. 50

Both of the people get sucked into a imaginary world with dinosaurs, fairies, ghosts, wizards, magic and so on. They fall in love with the weird habitants of the imaginary world and get stuck in there forever and live happily ever after.

Writing starter part. 49

The lunch is set at the teacher's room. We're served pizza, because well, this is America. They don't offer water for you, only pop and then some ranch to dip the pizza in. And the food is set.
The atmosphere is really awkward.
"So you still need to turn in some of your work!", says the teacher.
I mumble for response.
"I don't like the foreign exchange students.. they never do anything."
"Well this year doesn't count for us so you can't really blame us for not having huge motivation for every subject", I try to explain.
"No. It's simply because you guys are arrogant. It is the same thing every year. I think we should ban exchange students", the teacher, obviously the meanest one, says.

maanantai 12. toukokuuta 2014

Writing starter part. 48

"I didn't mean to hurt you. You know that."
"After this stunt, I don't know what you want anymore. It's like I don't even know you."
A blonde girl shakes her head. She doesn't know what to say anymore.
"I don't know what to tell you...I'm selfish, not a good friend. Is that what you want to hear?"
The brunette one is just so done with the blond girl's lies, cheating, and betrayal.
"I believe those things are true. If you were a good friend, you would never do these things for me", the brunette said.
"Do you think you can ever get over this? Because I really hope you will. This was completely my bad, and I take full responsibility. I promise you it won't happen again, if you just forget about this. Please. I'm begging you."
The brunette could see tears in the blond girl's eyes. But still, she wasn't sure if this was sincere.

perjantai 9. toukokuuta 2014

One-act play

                                             Play, character descriptions etc.
Chloe, female, 28, about to get married
Bree, 59, bride’s mother
Allison, 33, sales lady in a bridal store
Another female in the bridal store

  • Chloe is a spoiled, privileged girl who has always got what she has wanted. Now she’s about to merry a rich company owner and she’s going to a bridal store with her mother. She’s in a bad mood because the family’s car driver had arrived late and her mother is wearing a same color back than she is.
  • Bree, Chloe’s mother, was born in a middle class family. She got married and her and her husband got lucky in the job field. Now her husband has his own company that brings in a lot of money so Bree dropped out of work at the age of 48. She’s a mouse when it comes to telling her daughter rules or teaching her manners.  
  • Allison, 33, owns the fancy bridal store in Rodeo Drive. Loves to work there and pick up dresses for people.

Characters are walking down Rodeo Drive, they have left their limo and its driver quarter of a mile away from the store.. Chloe is clearly upset and is walking ahead of her mother. 

CHLOE: (In a snappy, frustrated voice...) This is exactly why I don’t go anywhere with you! You want to steal the attention from me. I’m sorry I’m prettier than you, mom. Same colored bag is not going to make it better for you. 

BREE: Calm down Chloe. I’m sorry I made you upset, but could you please cheer up? This is supposed to be fun for you. And for me. (tries to smile after stops talking..)

CHLOE: You have millions of bags, but you just had to choose the same one I was wearing. I mean seriously, mom. Aren’t parents suppose to make “their children come first”? Huh? Did you miss that part of the “How to be a good parent” -handbook?

BREE: (rolls her eyes and deeply exhales..) Let’s just forget about it, okay? We’re almost there. I can see the store on the right.

CHLOE: (still with an upset voice) And what is this thing with walking?! I did not buy these Vera Wang’s for walking. I would think you knew better. 

BREE: Smile now.

Both of the characters take a huge smile on their face as they open the bridal shop’s door. 

ALLISON: (leaves her desk and walks up to the customers who just walked in) Welcome to Perfect Bridal, ladies. How are you on this beautiful day? 
BREE: We’re excellent. No better place to be than a bridal store. Probably one of the places people feel the most nervous, excited and full of love. 

CHLOE: (Smiles, showing her perfectly fitted, white and straight teeth). Yes. I’m really excited to be here. I’ve heard good things about you.

ALLISON: I’m delighted to hear that. Would you ladies want something to drink or eat before we get on it? 

Bree and Chloe look at each other. Bree knew Chloe was always on a diet. 

Bree: I think we’re fine, thank you. Unless Chloe wants something. 

Chloe shakes her head. She’s mad, again. Her mom should know better. She’s always on a diet. 

torstai 8. toukokuuta 2014

Writing starter part. 47

Debra was that kind of a woman, who wasn't afraid of getting her hands dirty. She knew what she wanted, how to get there and what to do in order to get it. And there wasn't people who could tell her otherwise. At least, she hasn't met any.
And today, she was ready take action. She jumped on her hot-air balloon, lit up the fire and took off.
She had a short trip ahead of her and she had to do it fast.
        She landed perfectly, as always and climbed off the little basket. But then she saw something she hasn't expected. And that was rare. Debra always planned her trips perfectly, they were flawless. This time, she saw a horse in front of the cave she was supposed to go into. The horse didn't have anything on.

Writing starter part. 46

"That's the only way! I'm telling you."
"We can't jeopardize having dinosaurs back on Earth. How would you get them back? And how would we get rid of them?", the Governments negotiation board asked. "There must be another way."
"I have my ways, if you just give me a chance. These zombies are aggressive, and we need to respond to them with a bigger force. Unless you want to go there and fight with your hands, but I assume that this room is full of people who don't like to get their hands dirty", the scientist said without a doubt in his voice.
"You need to watch your mouth, mr. Welo. You're talking with the head of your country right now."
"And still you reach out to me for help."

Writing starter part. 45

"I think the best movie ever made is definitely the Hunger Games", I said determinately. My dad and brother shook their heads.
"How many times do I have to tell you that Hunger Games is just a manipulative movie for desperate, dreamy teenagers. You are not Katniss Everdeen and you will never find Peeta at a battlefield", my brother said.
"The best movie ever made is Titanic", my dad replied by taking part to our conversation.
"And why is that?" I wanted to know.
"Because Titanic is based on true events. It looks real, and it had everything that you can hope from a movie. Action, love, sadness and happiness."
"So does the Hunger Games! Action for days, love for everyone, sadness and happiness too."
"But is it true?"
"Well uh.. I guess you're right. Fine. You win."

keskiviikko 7. toukokuuta 2014

Writing starter part. 44

I just couldn't keep his secret anymore. It was too much to carry because it didn't just affect me, it affected a lot of people. But most importantly, it affected one of my really good friends. So many people knew about this, except the one person, that should know it. I was holding a secret for two of my friends, but at the same time, I was holding that secret from another friend.
        But now I had had enough. I knew that she deserved to know. Because it just wasn't fair. I didn't do it for me, I just felt that I owed her the truth. I told her to meet me for coffee. That I had something to tell her. Her name was Laura, and she had been dating this guy, Nick, for four years now. I got to know to Nick first, but through him, I met Laura, and we became really close friends. But I was close with Nick too. I also got to know to this girl Sara, who was best friend's with Nick and good friends with Laura. Sara was also one of my best friends. That's why this was so hard. Because whatever I did, I betrayed someone.
        "Sara and Nick have had an affair for two years now", I said. I just said it, without any warning, it just came out. There was no way of putting it nicely. And I could just see how something inside of Laura died, instantly.