maanantai 31. maaliskuuta 2014

Writing starter part. 31

The best part about my family is that we are really diverse. Not many people can say that their brother is a professional golfer, dad is an ex paratrooper, mom is a successful businesswoman but still a great mother and you yourself have visited over 10 countries and lived a year in another country before turning 18.
We love to travel and see the world, and I love that. Our family is interested in what's happening around us but still we have really close relationships between our family members. My parents are sane and don't go crazy or have irrational rules. My brother can be a protective brother but then turn into a beast when he coaches me at the gym.

I love my family.

Writing starter part. 30

When I was younger, through ages 5-10, my absolute favorite TV show was "Pikku Kakkonen". It translates to English as "little two". It came from a channel two, I assume the name comes from that.
That show was my favorite because it wasn't just a one show, it had multiple shows in it. So you never got bored. I had my favorite shows, but everything that Pikku Kakkonen showed, was good. Pikku Kakkonen was on every night, also during weekends. Also the fact, that everyone in my age group watched Pikku Kakkonen, made it popular in my "mind", too.

Writing starter part. 28

First time I drove a car was from my dad's lap. We were on our way to kindergarden and he let me "steer" the wheel. I felt so old and cool, I could tell all my kindergarden friends that I drove a car. I was a little nervous though but that feeling soon went away as I realized my dad got everything under control.

Writing starter part. 26

There was a Bill who went up a hill
His intention was just to go and chill
But then he saw a dog what was red
So he decided go back to bed

perjantai 28. maaliskuuta 2014

Writing starter part. 29

I feel most like me when I'm at the gym or at home.

Probably at the gym though because there I get to do what I really enjoy doing, when I'm home I usually just lay around.

I would be alone or with my best training friend, the music would be really loud. You could smell the steel.

Gym is important to me because there I can do what I'm good at, release stress and achieve goals.

Writing starter part. 27

I'll never forget about my grandma. She was there for me since I was born, and she lived through some of the most important things in my life.

I remember how we used to play these games only us two knew and she taught me how to make the most delicious crepes. I spent the most wonderful Christmas' with her.

I miss her so much.



Full of excitement and maybe a bit fear
Getting ready for the unknown
Ready to go but not sure when

Chorus: This is the best thing I've ever done
My jump to the unknown
It has given me so much and a lot more
I guess unknown could never be a bore

Saying goodbye but knowing it's not forever
Confused tears and mixed feelings
Should I be sad or should I be happy
Touching for the last time and walking out the door
Because I just want more

Saying goodbye again and knowing it's forever
I never thought this could happen
Is this what you see when you're dying
Every moment flashing in front of your eyes
And then you just feel like crying

Chorus: This is the best thing I've ever done
My jump to the unknown
It has given me so much and a lot more
I guess unknown could never be a bore

Bridge: Now I know myself better
I know what I want
And more who I am
But my unknown is now mostly known
And I don't want it to be

Chorus: This is the best thing I've ever done
My jump to the unknown
It has given me so much and a lot more
I guess unknown could never be a bore

tiistai 25. maaliskuuta 2014

Song lyric brainstorm

1. Drunk in love, the Man, Love is overrated, Wrecking ball, We can't stop

2. Drunk about love, the Woman, Food is underrated, Basketball, We believe


- It is about a strong independent woman
- How the woman is taking care of herself and enjoying her life without being reliant on anybody
- It is new, this year
- It doesn't have a specific place
- Because the author is sick and tired of people saying that women always need a man to be happy and to be successful in life
- The author is happy without a man and doing the things she loves, but still women around her find their selves "uncompleted" without a boyfriend or they feel they're less capable to do something if they're single

5. It suggests that the song is obviously about a woman
It could be a love song
Or a song about what someone doesn't understand/like about his/hers woman
It could be about a strong woman character who has made a huge impact in someone's life

6. It's not about animals
Or that it would be about food
Nor about a man
Or that it would include alcohol/drugs

sunnuntai 23. maaliskuuta 2014

Writing starter part. 25

We've been on the run
driving in the sun
looking out for
number one

here we come


You've been in the ocean
driving on the road
looking something for
number two

Maybe we love

Writing starter part. 24

Title: Drunk in love
Singer: Beyonce
This song has a special place in my heart because there are so many memories behind this song and I have lived some of the best memories of my exchange year while this song has been playing. This also reminds me of the most amazing people I've met. We have even named our friend group after this song. #teamsurfboard

perjantai 14. maaliskuuta 2014

Writing starter part. 23

We were like two peas in a pod.
We did everything together, 
because we lived on the same street.
We even wore same clothes all the time.

But then time drew us apart.
You are older than me, we went to different schools.
Different friends, different groups.
And now you have a completely different life. I don't know you anymore. 

keskiviikko 12. maaliskuuta 2014

Villanelle poem

Wait for the glowing sun
Be excited about the warm sand
Look forward to the hot days and the fun

You are able to run
And see the famous stars
Wait for the glowing sun

Be glad you're not a nun
So you can actually enjoy but just
Look forward to the hot days and the fun

Maybe you'll find your loved one
Or find something else that's worth a lot but just
wait for the glowing sun

Don't take ever carry a gun
It's not safe, just
look forward to the hot days and the fun

Forget all the bad things you've done
And enjoy the good things
Wait for the glowing sun
Look forward to the hot days and the fun

Sestina poem

A girl held back her tears(a)
as she was at a public place.(b)
She didn't like to cry in front of other people,(c)
she didn't want to look weak.(d)
Mean people with their opinions(e)
or maybe they just had better expectations. (f)

Everybody has different expectations;
and sometimes people break down under the pressure, they break down to tears.
It is said that you shouldn't care about people's opinions.
That you should find your own happy place.
And sometimes - it is okay to be weak.
In the end, we are all just people.

There are so many different kinds of people.
You can't meet everyone's expectations.
Even though, in someone's eyes, that makes you weak.
Sometimes, when you have been strong for too long, it comes out as tears.
I wouldn't mind finding my happy place.
It would be a place, that I wouldn't mind my own opinions.

Usually I also hate my own opinions.
It's not always other people.
Or the place.
I have high expectations.
Sometimes, that makes me break down to tears.
And then I feel - weak.

How would you describe weak?
Is weak a person without opinions?
Is weak a person who is always in tears?
Is weak a person who minds other people?
Is weak a person with no expectations?
Is weak a person without their own place?

Does everyone have their happy place?
Are everyone somewhat weak?
Do we all have expectations?
Or can one say they don't have opinions?
One would argue that our expectations and opinions are based on other people.
But then again - that is probably someone who say's it is okay to be in tears.

Don't have too high expectations, and learn not to mind other's negative opinions. It is just an opinion. Find your own happy place. Don't be afraid of being weak. Listen to the good things that comes out of people. And even this; don't be ashamed of your tears.

tiistai 11. maaliskuuta 2014

Writing starter part. 21

I drive slow through this neighborhood. Everything's quiet, most of the houses are already dark. People are asleep. I pass this one house, but I see this person standing in the yard. Not moving, just staring at the house. I can see his or hers breath because it's cold. I get chills, that is creepy.

maanantai 10. maaliskuuta 2014

Writing starter part. 20

That smell tells people that I'm cooking.
It smells like cancer to me.
And failure.
It smells like frustration too, one more meal ruined.
Burned food, I hate that smell.

Sorry poem

Mom and dad, I'm sorry

That I lied where I was going

and then crashed my car.

New, older guys

wanting to go for a ride.

Me, young and stupid

insecure and without the power

to say "no."

Them, pressuring me

and my friend not defending me.

But in the end, I guess I wanted to go,


Voice in my head saying "do it."

"Nothing has ever happened before."

Too much weight in the car,

and too much speed.

We crashed.

I felt horrible, scared and like it was unreal.

I remember the ambulances, police cars and fire trucks.

My mom crying over the phone.

I was in shock.

I hope you have already forgiven me for being
reckless and causing you unnecessary fear.

perjantai 7. maaliskuuta 2014

Memory poem

"He's sick"

When I was 13, my 

most trusted veterinarian, Katja

Told me that my horse could never compete

At an international level, again

She crushed my every hope

and dream

“There’s no way”, she said

She said I shouldn’t even try

Apparently it would be waste of my time

First I was sad

Crying, even

I felt like my work

all of my work

had been for nothing

Competing and horses

were my whole life

at that point

It felt like she took the whole ground

under my feet

And I was left

Floating around

Without a goal

Then I got mad

I decided I just cant give up

Without even trying

I found another veterinarian 

He told me that with a lot of rehabilitation

We might get him back in shape


Most important to have

And now I had it again

It took us four months

Four months of hard work and tears

But we did it

And he got better

And we competed again

torstai 6. maaliskuuta 2014

Writing starter part. 19

Hotel lobby and it lights.
DaVinci and his artistic nights.

His art, bought by an huge enterprise. 
Employees, trying to all see all the details, they are hard to memorize. 
Single mom who tends to be caring, 
wants the piece that's the most daring. 

keskiviikko 5. maaliskuuta 2014

Pantoum poem

Gum is my obsession:

Gum makes me feel better;

It gives me something to do

Takes my hunger away

Distracts me from you

It gives me something to do

It tastes so good

Distracts me from you

I don't care if my gum is red or blue

It tastes so good

It's hard to be away from it

I don't care if my gum is red or blue

My love for gum is understood by few

It's hard to be away from it

Even when I feel like shit

My love for gum is understood by few

But when I ate my first gum, I knew

Writing starter part. 17

Dear sun: I really love you, the way you give me warmth makes me happy. My mood is always happy when you're around. You even make people look better when they get tanned. But why do you show up so rarely?

Writing starter part. 18

Peninsula Hospital Center was in New York

It is not a hospital anymore

They had a lot of patients and they served them with pork

Now people are mad because they are sore

The hospital closed two years ago

But it opened nineteen o-eight

And that ruined everyone's flow

Back then it had an ugly gate

maanantai 3. maaliskuuta 2014

Ideogram poem

T A person with a gym bar on their back

U a shortcut to a word you

U looks like horseshoe what represents my dear hobby

L looks like a luck I don't have

I looks like a scar in my hand

A reminds me of America

Writing starter part. 16


ginger fur

most kindest eyes

I loved to see you

The best memories

Talented jumper
