perjantai 25. huhtikuuta 2014

Children's book text

Sammy Strong

Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Sammy. Sammy was a small sized, pale boy with ginger hair. He had his freckles all over his face and body. Sammy's biggest dream was to become a football player for his favorite team of all time; the Michigan Wolverines. But he only had one problem. He was weaker and smaller than lot of the girls. 
Sammy watched all the Wolverines football games and analyzed them with his dad. He wanted to be one of them. Sammy and his dad’s favorite thing to do together was to play catch with a football. Sammy knew that practicing hard and a lot was the only way to get better. Or was it?
“Sammy, you need to eat your vegetables! Broccoli, carrot, tomatoes... all of them will make you stronger!”, Sammy’s mom said, like she did every night when they had dinner. But the thing was, Sammy hated vegetables. He never ate them. “I don’t believe you mom. I tried vegetables once and it was horrible.”
But Sammy’s mom was clever this time. She wrapped couple pieces of broccoli in a candy wrapper and handed them to Sammy after dinner. Sam, unwittingly, took the wrapper and put the broccoli in his mouth. 
“What candy is this, mom?”
“It’s a new kind. Do you like it?”, Sammy’s mom asked.
“I actually do. It’s different, but good.” And so Sammy ate a whole bunch of broccoli "candies" that night. 
The next day, Sammy woke up five inches taller and so much stronger. He ran up to his mom full of excitement.
“Mom, mom! Look what happened. I think it’s because of the special candy you gave me”, Sammy yelled with a big smile on his face.
Sammy’s mom took him to the kitchen and revealed what she had done. Sammy couldn’t believe his ears, but the next dinner, he decided to be good and try his mom’s theory of the vegetables making him stronger. And he soon noticed, it was all true. 
Ever since then, Sammy grew stronger and stronger by eating his vegetables and every day, he’s closer to his dream of being a Michigan wolverine. 

Writing starter part. 43

Tim was surrounded. He had no idea where had the alligators came from. But they were everywhere, that he knew. He had knocked out maybe half of them but now he had made a bad move and the alligators got him surrounded.
       These alligators were smart and they all attacked him at once and ate him. Poor Tim.

torstai 24. huhtikuuta 2014

Writing starter part. 42

Once upon a time, Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother invited the Three Little Pig for tea. It wasn't a normal afternoon tea, unfortunately. They had to come with a plan, because they shared the same enemy. They all lived in the same forest together. Now the time had come that they had to move the enemy, they had all had enough.

keskiviikko 23. huhtikuuta 2014

Children's book rough draft

Sammy Strong

Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Sammy. Sammy was a small sized, pale boy with ginger hair. He had his freckles all over his face and body. Sammy's biggest dream was to become a football player for his favorite team of all time; the Michigan Wolverines. But he only had one problem. He was weaker and smaller than lot of the girls. 
Sammy watched all the Wolverines football games and analyzed them with his dad. He wanted to be one of them. Sammy and his dad’s favorite thing to do together was to play catch with a football. Sammy knew that practicing hard and a lot was the only way to get better. Or was it?
“Sammy, you need to eat your vegetables! Broccoli, carrot, tomatoes... all of them will make you stronger!”, Sammy’s mom said, like she did every night when they had dinner. But the thing was, Sammy hated vegetables. He never ate them. “I don’t believe you mom. I tried vegetables once and it was horrible.”
But Sammy’s mom was clever this time. She wrapped couple pieces of broccoli in a candy wrapper and handed them to Sammy after dinner. Sam, unwittingly, took the wrapper and put the broccoli in his mouth. 
“What candy is this, mom?”
“It’s a new kind. Do you like it?”, Sammy’s mom asked.
“I actually do. It’s different, but good.” And so Sammy ate a whole bunch of broccoli "candies" that night. 
The next day, Sammy woke up five inches taller and so much stronger. He ran up to his mom full of excitement.
“Mom, mom! Look what happened. I think it’s because of the special candy you gave me”, Sammy yelled with a big smile on his face.
Sammy’s mom took him to the kitchen and revealed what she had done. Sammy couldn’t believe his ears, but the next dinner, he decided to be good and try his mom’s theory of the vegetables making him stronger. And he soon noticed, it was all true. 
Ever since then, Sammy grew stronger and stronger by eating his vegetables and every day, he’s closer to his dream of being a Michigan wolverine. 

Writing starter part. 41

Once upon a time there was a lion that ate everything he saw. He had no mercy what so ever, but one day he ran into a wizard. The wizard had heard about him and he decided to teach him a lesson; he did his magic and the lion ended up without teeth. Lesson: don't eat everybody.

Once upon a time there was a monkey with roller skates. He loved his roller skates and he took them everywhere with him. Once he came across with a place that said "No roller skating". The monkey battled if he should still go, and he decided to do it. So then a guard caught him and seized his roller skates. Lesson: follow the rules

tiistai 22. huhtikuuta 2014

Writing starter part. 40

"Oh my god there's cotton candy everywhere!", yelled Brian when he woke up.
"I know! Mom and dad really knew what they were doing this year. This is amazing!", Brittany replied.
Billy wasn't too happy yet. Something was off. He was twelve and he wasn't too naive. Their parents would never fill up their rooms with cotton candy. And before they all could even blink, the horror begun.

Writing starter part. 39

It was THE place to know about. If you wanted to be "one of the cools", you had to know this place. Pink Kittens is what it's called. Every cool kid had something from that store, and all the ones that didn't have anything, wanted to have some.

maanantai 21. huhtikuuta 2014

Writing starter part. 38

The Man Who Ate Everything

Once upon a time, there was a man who could eat everything. And not only could he do it, but he did eat everything. Pies, candy, hamburgers, fries, soda, everything with fat and sugar in them. Fruits weren't his favorite but he ate them, too. So one day he looked into the mirror and saw what he'd done to himself. He was extremely obese but could not stop eating.

Writing starter part. 37

I hate peas. My mom always wants me to eat peas because everyone else in my family eats peas. I want to be different. And I don't like peas. Peas are food for little kids, and I'm almost eight years old. I need to move into the bigger league. They have carrots in the big kids league. I like carrots. But I have a confession; when I was four years old, I ate peas.

Writing starter part. 36

The black thing wasn't a cloud at all. It was a big aircraft getting ready to land. Clarence the cow panicked because he had never seen an aircraft that big just floating around at his favorite place. And now that aircraft had completely ruined his nap. He was about to find out who was driving that ship - and why.

torstai 17. huhtikuuta 2014

Children's book brainstorm

1. I liked horses and horseback riding, baseball and do different kinds of "shelters" with my friends

2. "When you make a sandwich, cheese belongs on top of the meat", "Peanut butter and jelly is NOT real food", "You can caught up with your sleep when you're dead"


4. Candy for dinner everyday, they don't want to go bed, they want to have their own telephones

5. People would have flying "ballcars" which could take them everywhere

6. "Every story has two sides"

7. Why do we have to go to school
- that you can get a job

keskiviikko 16. huhtikuuta 2014

Writing starter part. 35

"Why didn't you see the tree? You were looking right at it."
"I swear it wasn't there a minute ago!" He screamed back to the duck while he was standing next to his smoking car.
"Have you checked your vision lately? Or maybe it is something mental...", the duck replied with a thoughtful look.
"Stop. I don't know what makes you think I was looking at the tree, because there wasn't anything. I'm sure about it."
"So you know it's a bit funny to hear that coming out of your mouth since you're standing next to your wrecked car because you ran into a tree", the duck said with a huge sass.

perjantai 4. huhtikuuta 2014

Memoir draft

I wish I had known the things I know now, when I was 15. I was naive and thought that nothing could ever happen to me. Real mature way of thinking, but that is just the way teenager's brains work.
       It was supposed to be a normal afternoon. I drove my little moped car(a European thing, just like a smart car but goes as fast as a scooter) to my bestfriend's - at the time - house. It was summer and life was great. I had just had my confirmation party that weekend. Everything was basically perfect.
"So what's good today?", she asked as soon as I walked inside her house.
"I don't know yet. I want to do something exciting", I answered without knowing that that was a night I would've been better of by just staying home.
       Her phone rang. I had no idea who it was, but she giggled in a way that I knew it was some guy. It was always some guy. A new one, all the time. I didn't even bother to keep up with them.
"I know what we're doing today. It's going to be great", Roosa, my friend, said with a smile on her face.
"What is it?"
"We should go to this guys' house. He invited us. There are other guys there, too. It's a bit far away but I guess we can use your mopedcar. It's just like our own road trip", she said and of course, me being stupid, I agreed right away. Even though I knew my mother would never let me drive that far away with my moped car because it wasn't safe at all. You aren't allowed to drive in a highway with that vehicle, and it was basically highways all the way there. And the city was more than an hour away from out home city. So we decided that the best way to go about this is to lie. Like we did every other time we did something we weren't supposed to do. I told my mom I would be spending the night at my friend's house, and she told her parents that she's staying at my place. What a classic story, but worked every time before that and unfortunately that time too.
        So we left. And we got to this guys' house, at one piece, which surprised me because the travel there wasn't easy. We had to take all these backroads in order to avoid the highways. Once we got to his house we were so happy.
"We did it!", we screamed, so happily someone probably thought we won the lottery. But once we got inside the house I started having second thoughts. It was really awkard because no one really knew each other. We were young and they were couple years older. But then someone got a brilliant idea.
"Let's go for a ride with your mopedcar!"   

tiistai 1. huhtikuuta 2014

Writing starter part. 34

Yes, this is how I express myself. Is there an age limit to spray painting? I hate those close minded people that walk past my wall and look at me with despite in their eyes. I don't understand how does me painting this wall make anyone's life more miserable? I think it's the opposite, this is art at its finest. I'm going to keep on doing it, no matter how weird people think I am. Because I can.

Writing starter part. 33

I’m hiding in the tree tonight, and when they come back to finish it, I’ll make them pay. I'm sick of these kids who come and ruin my beautiful wall. When I catch them, I'll carry them home and let their parents know how terrible job they've done in the parenting field. This was the exact reason I didn't get kids, they're nothing more than trouble.

Writing starter part. 32

I'm just glad they're not any taller or I'd have to get out a ladder to get those horrible work of vandalism out of my wall. Now I can reach them and clean them up, I don't understand who finds them pretty. Even though they are. Pretty.